Remembering Victime of Hiv

By: Oladokun Sulaiman

Remembering victims of HIV / AID- Need for modest strategies to fight HIV/AID
I write with deep sorrow for the death of innocent people, children who have lost life, physical and nature’s war.

I want my condolences and deeply felt sympathy to go to the loves one they left behind and all people on sincerely value steadfast revolutionary role for a better world and through their writing , art , emotion etc.

We know so little ofthe state of departed soul,since such knowledge is beyond us, and is ot necesary to a god life, when we have no help, nothing remain but to look up to higher power who isthe best aleviation of the loss of friends.

AID, has came to join one the debacle that inflicted humanity as a natural war, 25 years ago. It has killed more that 20 million people, infected more 40 million people, remain one of the greatest enemy of human civilization just like war.

Through Humanity has lost valuable personality, intelectual , revolutionaries, men treasured with wisdom and sence of humanity .

Many has been story told about origin of aid which has involved much finger pointing , how can we find solution without knowing the actual source of aid , what really started and what is the wisdom such cause is looking for.One faction will say it is from Africa , another faction will say it is from gay, and the diference between these two is clear to allof us.what is really going on.

Many has been promised made and propaganda about finding solution to this deadly disease. Little has been sincerity offered by stakeholders.

Yet we can never blame the merciful god because, he left everything we would need to take care of ourselves.

They say “For every ailment under the sun, there's a remedy or there's none. If there's one, find it. If there's none, never mind it”

The fight against aid has involved a big challenge ever for humanity.

Like problem of making peace, like problem associated with war and human, sense of togetherness and responsibility has been a big barrier to solution for AID.

Society disease of unnecessary competition through greed, superiority complex, status quo or what I will call arrogance has taken toll in blinding us human from seeing the most significant insight into finding solution to our problem.Today , you wil lnes that tradition medical practitioner found a remedy , tomorow the moder practiional will denie instead of compromise-- what is it with human .?

HIV/AIDS issues have been view wrong perspective that has involved associating it with sexual connotations to it. Every aspect of the discussion involves sex ever since its first appearance.

Is it not time to for us to address the root cause of the problem. Yes HIV/AIDS is all about SEX. 90% of the HIV/AIDS victim gets infected through sex. What can we do about this?

HIV issue has become more or less a problem of pollution; it is abstract, full of uncertainty, and many things we still can’t see.

This why it is important to apply the PPC (PREVENTION, PROTECTION AND CONTROL) doctrine, We must control it, and for areas we can exercise control we must apply appropriate prevention and protection mechanism by all means to reduce case of HIV.

HIV/AIDS issues should be address through SEX, that is to address the
issue of SEX Education. Maybe have Sex Education in schools as a

Many pretend and shy a way on talking about Sex..some places , it is considered as tabous, whereas they like so much and they do it so much but the issues of HIV/AIDS grows. If we start talking about sex education, we would definitely reduce the number of HIV/AIDS cases.

With Sex Education we will be able to share knowledge and information which is needed to fight HIV/AIDS ie..

• Reproductive health
• Transmission
• Choices
• Sexuality
• Economics & social pressures
• Voluntary & confidential counseling
• About dating
• Their rights & responsibilities

With better understanding in the above issues people are able to
make good decisions on Sex, condom usage and how to prevent HIV/AIDS.
This way we can spread out this message and aware /prevent society from HIV.

Above all we should not forget that rational tranquility in the prospect of our own dissolution can always bereceive only from the promises of HIM in whose hands are life and death.

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